Tuesday 6 January 2015

HA3 Task 2 - Job Roles

Creative Development

Game Designers devise what a game consists of and how it plays. They plan and define all the elements of a game: its setting; structure; rules; story flow; characters; the objects, props, vehicles, and devices available to the characters; interface design; and modes of play. Once the game is devised, the Game Designer communicates this to the rest of the development team who create the art assets and computer code that allow the game to be played.

Sometimes the Game Designer comes up with the game’s premise. More often, most of the core ingredients are already defined and they must decide how to create the best game using these elements, within a certain budget and timescale.

Game Designers are employed by development studios, both independent and publisher-owned. The game design process is usually shared between a number of different people, overseen by a Lead Designer.

Game Designers should have a deep understanding of the capabilities and benefits of different hardware platforms (e.g. PC, console, mobile device, etc.), as well as familiarity with software technologies and techniques appropriate to each platform.

During development, the Game Designer makes adjustments to the original specification for the game to respond to technical constraints which have been identified and to incorporate new programming and art creation methods developed by the team. They also train QA Testers to play the game, making sure that they understand what is expected of the finished product.

The design process goes through different stages:

After some initial research, the Game Designer puts together the concept document or initial design treatment, used to convince other members of the team that the game is worth taking forward
The development of a proof of concept, where a small team of artists and programmers work with the Game Designer to build a prototype, while the Game Designer puts together the full game design document

This document describes the intended playing experience and defines all the game functionality and associated art and animation assets required to create it. It is referred to by all development staff throughout the development process. It may require changing and updating to reflect production and technical decisions taken during the production cycle for the game.
Bingie are a company that created the halos series which a games designer is part of that so they had a lot of work to do on it.

Level Editor 
A level editor (also known as a map, campaign or scenario editor) is a software tool used to design levels, maps, campaigns, etc. and virtual worlds for a video game. An individual involved with the creation of game levels is a level designer or mapper.

In some cases the creator of a video game releases an official level editor for the game, but other times the community of fans step in to fill the void. The level editor can be integrated into the game; for example, a track editor for a racing game. Other times (and most often), the editor is a separate application, as are most fan-released level editors.

One of the first 3D games which became popular partially due to level editors and fan-made content was Doom. The creation of various third-party editors led to the birth of an online community trading fan-made maps.

A level editor is often limited to creating levels for only a certain game engine. Developing a level editor takes a lot of time and it is more efficient to release multiple games using the same engine instead of developing a new engine and level editor for each game. Level editors offer some limited scope of content creation, but in the case of gaming industry solutions the scope is very large allowing an entire game to be created without the need for much support from a programming team. To make larger changes to a game than simply adding new levels, a software development kit (SDK) is sometimes needed.

Lead Artist
The Lead Artist (also known as Art Director or Creative Manager) is responsible for the overall look of the game. Working with the Game Designer and Lead Programmer, the Lead Artist devises the game’s visual style and directs the production of all visual material throughout the game’s development.

They produce much of the initial artwork themselves, setting creative and technical standards and determining the best tools and techniques to use.

In conjunction with the Producer, the Lead Artist puts together and manages the team of Artists and Animators who produce most of the art assets for the game (including environments, characters, objects and effects) under the Lead Artist’s direction.

The Lead Artist must ensure that the art and animation team works to schedule and within budget. They also work closely with the programming team to make sure that all art and animation assets produced can be easily imported into the game engine.

Technical Artist
The Technical Artist acts as a bridge between the Artists and Programmers working on a game. They ensure art assets can be easily integrated into a game without sacrificing either the overall artistic vision or exceeding the technical limits of the chosen platform.

The role is a relatively new one for the games industry, but is becoming increasingly important as consoles and PC hardware becomes more complex.

Despite their technical knowledge, the Technical Artist works part of the art team, working closely with the Lead Artist and the Creative Director, as well as the Lead Programmers.

Their main areas of responsibility include setting up and maintaining the art production workflow, and making decisions about which art packages and tools a studio should use.

They are also charged with investigating new techniques and implementing them. The job often includes a teaching element, with the Technical Artist sharing their knowledge via training and mentoring sessions with other Artists.

Artists create the visual elements of a game, such as characters, scenery, objects, vehicles, surface textures, clothing, props, and even user interface components. They also create concept art and storyboards which help communicate the proposed visual elements during the pre-production phase.

Some games try to look as realistic as possible while others aim for a more stylised look. It is the Artist's job to model and texture characters and objects to achieve the desired result. The look of a game is often a significant factor in its success, second only to its playability.

Animators in the games industry are responsible for the portrayal of movement and behaviour. 

Most often this is applied to give life to game characters and creatures, but sometimes animations are also applied to other elements such as objects, scenery, vegetation and environmental effects.

Specialist software packages are used to create the animations, which are used for both automated or in game behaviours and predefined sequences or cut scenes.

Animators must portray movement and behaviour in an efficient and effective way which makes best use of the game engine’s technology, within the platform’s limitations. It is often necessary to restrict the number of key frames used or the number of characters that can appear on the screen at a time. Animators work closely with Programmers andArtists to create the best balance between smooth seamless movement and optimised performance on the target platform.

Audio Engineer
The Audio Engineer creates the soundtrack for a game. This might include music, sound effects to support the game action (such as gunshots or explosions), character voices and other expressions, spoken instructions, and ambient effects, such as crowd noise, vehicles or rain.

Audio Engineers work for development studios. The size of the audio department depends on the company, but can consist of just one or two people who are sometimes required to work very long hours. Audio Engineers also work for specialist outsourcing companies and localisation services that re-version games for different territories.

Working to a creative brief, the Audio Engineer produces a sound design for the game and, when this has been agreed, realises it. This might involve the composing, scoring and recording of music.

The Audio Engineer will sometimes also audition and record any actors that are needed - in other languages if the game is being re-versioned - and this might involve lip syncing to animation.

Technical Development

Game Programmer
Game Programmers work at the heart of the game development process. They design and write the computer code that runs and controls the game, incorporating and adapting any ready-made code libraries and writing custom code as required. They test the code and fix bugs, and also develop customised tools for use by other members of the development team. 

Different platforms (games consoles, PCs, handhelds, mobiles, etc.) have particular programming requirements and there are also various specialisms within programming, such as physics programming, AI (artificial intelligence), 3D engine development, interface and control systems.

Games development is an increasingly complex process and large teams of Programmers might be involved in creating a game, some in leadership roles, some working on just one aspect. 

Lead Game Programmer
The Lead Programmer leads the programming team responsible for creating all the computer code which runs and controls a game. Programmers have various roles and specialisms including AI (artificial intelligence), game engine development, user interface, tools development and physics. 

The Lead Programmer oversees all of this. They are responsible for the technical specification of the game and manage the overall code development process. It is also their job to make sure that the team delivers on time and within budget. 

The Lead Programmer manages the software engineering of a game from start to finish. In conjunction with other key team leads (e.g. the Game Designer, the Lead Artist, etc.) they develop the technical specification for the game, and then delegate the different elements to their team of programmers.

Project Implementation

Project Manager/Producer
The Project Manager, also known as the Producer, is responsible for ensuring the successful delivery of a game, on time and within budget.

They control the financial and other resources needed for a project and co-ordinate the work of the production team, making sure that the quality and vision of the game is maintained, whatever problems may arise. They understand everybody’s contribution to a game and keep an overview of the entire process from start to finish.

This is an increasingly important role as production schedules lengthen and development costs increase. Game development is a highly complex process often lasting up to 2 years and requiring teams of programmers, designers, artists, writers, musicians, and even actors. Managing this is a big job which carries considerable financial responsibility.
Assistant Producer
The Assistant (or Junior) Producer works with a game's production staff to ensure the timely delivery of the highest quality product possible. 

Typically, they will focus on specific areas of the development process. This could involve handling the communications between the publisher and developer, or co-ordinating work on some of the project's key processes such as managing the outsourcing of art assets.

Assistant Producers are employed by publishers as well as development studios. Working within a development studio often involves managing communications between different teams such as design, art and programming.

In a publisher environment, Assistant Producers will focus on liaising between sales and marketing departments and the developer, and supporting the work of the publisher's External Producer.

The Assistant Producer's role and responsibilities change during the development process, as different elements of the game are created. Important aspects of the job can include task and milestone planning and tracking, as well as handling review and approval processes. They are usually responsible for filing and archiving game assets such as concept artwork, marketing and press assets.

External Producer
The External Producer is responsible for ensuring the successful delivery of a game, while working externally from the development team.

External Producers are almost always employed by a game publisher. Working out of the publisher's head office, they liaise between the publisher's sales and marketing departments and the game developer, which may be located hundreds of miles away.

The External Producer works closely with the game's internal producer, who is part of the on-site development team. While the internal producer focuses on the staff management tasks of getting a game finished on time and on budget, the External Producer is concerned with broader issues.

Creative Director
The Creative Director is the key person during the game development process, overseeing any high-level decisions that affect how the game plays, looks or sounds.

Not all game companies employ Creative Directors. Some companies prefer to continue to split the duties between a game's Lead Artists, Lead Programmers, Designers and Producers.

Where the position is used, each game development team has its own Creative Director. Some highly experienced and talented Creative Directors oversee multiple projects.

They are responsible for the overall look and feel of a computer game. The position is a relatively new one within the games industry. It has evolved out of the producer's role, which has shifted towards managing the process of completing a game on time and on budget.

Quality Assurance

QA Tester
Quality Assurance Technicians, or Testers, perform a vital role. They test, tune, debug and suggest the detailed refinements that ensure the quality and playability of the finished game. They play-test the game in a systematic way, analysing the game’s performance against the designer’s intentions, identifying problems and suggesting improvements.

They test for bugs in the software, from complete crashes to minor glitches in the programme. They also act as the game’s first audience, reporting on its playability and identifyingy aspects which could be improved.

Playing games all day for a living might sound like an ideal job, but this is in fact a highly disciplined role.

Business Development
Public Relations Manager
A public relations manager is someone who is a seasoned leader and a creative thinker they are able to build strategy and also they touch many types of communications throughout. They are resposible for all of the marketing prices so in this case when a game is published they will sort the marketing out for the company and then send it out to the shops. 

Product Manager
The Product Manager's role is to help create and implement marketing campaigns to maximise the sales of the games they are working on. 

Working in the marketing team, they support the senior marketing managers who organise international or global campaigns. 

The Product Manager may also work with a Brand Manager, who is responsible for developing long-term plans for individual game franchises and providing a strategic overview of how a game brand should change over time.

Product Managers typically work for game publishers or independent marketing companies who work with publishers. They will have to manage the marketing budget in a responsible manner and demonstrate an effective return on investment. The tasks carried out by a Product Manager are varied and change as a game's release approaches.

Marketing Executive
As a marketing excutive they would promote employers services or ideas also they whouild have to manage adverts for the type of game to put onto TV which then the marketing whouild come into it. The company who want to promote their game advert they whouild have to go though the marketing stages.
Andrew wilson is the cheif executive of Electronic arts he weas appointed in september 2013.Mr. Wilson has held several strategic positions since joining EA in 2000, providing leadership on product and brand development for both packaged goods and digital services.  Most recently, Mr. Wilson served as Executive Vice President of EA SPORTS and Origin, EA’s consumer platform for downloading digital games.

 Marketing Manager
As a marketing manager their job whouild be to promote the company's game on the tv they whouild have to promote it in order for people to go and buy the game. As the marketing manager they whouild plan the direction of where the games are to go.

 Ailsa McKnight has taken the role of marketing director at GAME Retail.

She replaces Anna-Marie Mason, who left the business earlier in the year.

McKnight is a marketing veteran with 25 years of experience, and has work with major brands such as Hasbro, Gtech, Ladbrokes and National Lottery owners Camelot.

GAME CEO Martyn Gibbs said: “I’m delighted to announce that Ailsa McKnight will be joining GAME Retail Ltd as marketing director at the end of August. Ailsa joins us from Ladbrokes, where she held the position of brand and customer director.

"With over 17 years of senior marketing experience and a professional history including Hasbro, Moulinex, Mamas and Papas, Camelot Group and GTECH Corporation, Ailsa will be a hugely valuable addition to our business and will shape our Marketing team and the focus of our customer proposition over the coming months.”


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