Monday 26 January 2015

Task 6 Legal and Ethical Obligations


Copyright normally protects the work created by the originated with their author. There must have been some skill, lab our or the judgement in the creation of the work. The first owner of the game is the original person that made the game the composer of the game and the what he did.

Trademarks are badges of the origin. They distinguish in the goods or the services of one of the trade from another and can take many forms for example it can be words,slogans, logos or shapes and coulours. Trademarks are registered for the specific goods or the services within the individual subjects known as classes.

A patent is an invention is granted by the government to the inventor giving the inventor of the right to stop the others for the limited period also making or using the invention to stop the others without their permission. When a patent is granted the invention becomes the property of the inventor, which then in any form of the property. 

Registered desighns
Registered designs are for the eye appeal of the object. They are apllied for the Intelectual Property office. Briatian also has the design right providing automatic protection for 15 years form the date the creation even when registered design is not apllied for.


It can be agreed on that engaging in a video game does have many ethical concerns. Though violence there are many games involving violent acts aswell also as the other content rating to the vilonce in video games.

Though the rating of the games it helps the parents of the young children to pick the right game for their kids. Though other people are concerned that this is the rating system that does not prevent people from acquiring the video games for their children.

Though the education perspective of people their will be different things gaming can teach them because of some perspectives and also while others can be negative towards the eductation aswell.

Though stereotyping the video game industry focuses towards men more then women therefore many people think it is stereotyping more against women than women. 

Though addiction and the community participating in an immense amount of time in the video games play have caused people to be addicted to it. As a result they lose valuable time within their communities and miss opportunists from other activities that could be more beneficial for them.


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