Monday 26 January 2015

Task 7 Professional Bodies Supporting the Industry

Professional Bodies
Women in Games

Ukie is the only trade body that is the UKs wider interactive for the entertainment history. They exist because to the champion the interests, needs and positive image of the video games and also the interactive entertainment industry's whos companies make up their membership for UKIE. 

The international game developers are an association that is the largest non profit membership for the organisation serving individuals that create the video games. They also bring developers at key industry conferences, in over their 90 chapters and also in special interest groups.

Women in games jobs 
Women in game jobs are a non profit company that works to recruit more women for the games industry by also promoting the role models and also giving the encouragement and the information to those women also seeking the work for games. It also campaigns to make thwe games industry for a more attractive field of women both for new entrants and also to retain the women already working for the industry.

The British Academy of film and television arts supports, and promotes and also develops the art forms for the moving image- of film television and also video games by also identifying and rewarding the excellence and inspiring practitioners and benefiting the public.

MEF is the global trade assosiation for companies wishing to monetize their products and also services via mobile. The organisation is also headquarted in London with operational chapters and also offices in Asia and EMEA also Middles East, Africa and North America. 

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